
Become a member today!

Become a member or renew your membership today for just $10. We encourage all parents to join, and to invite grandparents, neighbors, local businesses, or anyone who simply wants to support our students. A portion of the fee stays with WGE PTA, the rest is submitted for local, state and national PTA efforts.

Not able to pay this year? No problem. WGE PTA recognizes that times are tough for many families and we value your contribution to our PTA and school community. We are offering free membership to any family who may need it. Click here to join the PTA at no charge.

Membership expires annually on Oct. 31, the year after you join. You must be a member for 30 days to vote.

Click here to become a member or renew today! Make sure to allow automatic renewal, so you won’t have to rejoin every year (you can cancel anytime). You may also add your Annual Giving donation at the same time.

Please note: Our online platform, Totem, adds a $1 fee to the $10 cost of membership.

Why become a member?

Becoming a member shows your support for Willow Glen Elementary and the PTA. A large membership sends a message that our parents are engaged and involved.

Becoming a member shows your support for children at the state and national level. A portion of your dues pays for advocacy for schools that puts students first.

Becoming a member allows you to vote on any agenda item — including budget proposals — brought to a meeting.

Becoming a member DOES NOT require you to do anything else — no volunteering or meeting attendance is necessary, though of course it is welcome.

The main programs supported by the PTA include:

  • 20 weeks of music instruction for every classroom
  • Physical education coach to organize classroom and recess PE activities
  • Monthly hands-on art lessons taught by volunteer docents (the PTA pays for art supplies)
  • Library support, including funding for new English and Spanish books
  • Science Fair and Family Fun Night
  • Garden projects
  • Project Cornerstone anti-bullying program of monthly volunteer-led lessons
  • And much more!

Join the PTA today!