Lucky Kid Lotto

In this PTA fundraiser, students with the winning tickets randomly drawn will win special time with their favorite teachers and staff! You may buy and enter as many tickets as you want to increase your chances to win! Enter by March 22nd. 

Here’s how it works….

  1. Look at the list of special events below.
  2. Fill out the number of tickets you want to enter—write your student’s name, grade and circle the teacher/staff member’s name whose prize you want to win on each ticket. (IF WE CAN’T READ YOUR NAME, YOU CAN’T WIN).
  3. How to Purchase Your Tickets:
    • Pay $1 for each completed ticket, $10 for the whole sheet.  Attach payment to a completed Lucky Kid Lotto ticket sheet or in an envelope marked “LUCKY KID LOTTO!”  Return the ticket and payment to your student’s teacher.  Make checks payable to ‘WGE PTA’
    • OR you can purchase tickets online
      Number of tickets
      and print out your tickets. Send your tickets to your child’s teacher to be eligible. 
    • Last day to buy tickets is Friday, March 22.
  4. The Lucky Kid Lotto winners will be announced March 27.  You DO NOT need to be present to win.
  5. Please return your payment and completed tickets by Friday, March 22.   GOOD LUCK!    

Look at the awesome prizes!